Round Up: May 29th, 2017 – Shavuot!

Testing Lemon Cookies by Nosherium

Shavuot goodies below, and there’s still time for you to use the 20% off NOSHERIUM discount code at ZSpecialty Foods (offer ends May 31st!)! Get yourself some single varietal honey (I can’t get enough of the pomegranate one!), all-natural chocolate-almond crunch spread, and some of their insanely delicious fruit honey spreads. I used the apricot honey spread in my fajita recipe, and also enjoy swirling it into my homemade yogurt. Stock up for gifts! Or just for yourself!

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Honey Apricot Fajitas for Cinco de Mayo [partnered]

Nosherium Apricot Honey Fajitas with ZSpecialty

These fruity, spicy, tender, gluten-free, beef fajitas are perfect for Cinco de Mayo and the first week of hot summer weather here in the Bay Area! I’m so excited to share them with you!


This is a partnered post with my awesome friends at ZSpecialty Foods, a company selling gorgeous savory spreads (certified kosher!), pasta sauces (certified kosher!), honeysnut butters (including my new favorite all-natural sweet chocolate-nut spread for babka!). I met Josh, Nectar Director (best title ever!), last Hanukkah at a latke cook-off event, and between bites of banh mi latkes we got to talking about the company and all the culinary goodness here in California. He reached out to me when their new website launched and we decided to show off some of their goodies and give Nosherium readers an exclusive discount (expired)! The details are at the bottom of the post, right before the recipe!


ZSpecialty Apricot Honey Fajitas by Nosherium (1 of 5)

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Round Up: May 1st – May Day!

Nosherium Radish Ceviche Israeli Pop Up Dinner

Happy May Day! Happy International Workers’ Day! Today’s round-up is inspired by this glorious day celebrating and advocating for labor rights as well as Israeli Memorial and Independence Days!

If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen my over-browned attempt at a Bread and Roses chocolate babka. Bread and Roses is a famous labor rights anthem, particularly for women, stemming from strikes in clothing and textile factories. The song insists that  in addition to physical, material necessities, workers need respect, dignity, and things of beauty. Check out this podcast to learn more about women in the labor movement and socialism.

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Round-Up: Purim and Chocolate-Sesame Hamantaschen!

Chocolate Sesame Vegan Hamantaschen Cookies Cover

Happy weekend! Shabbat shalom! And happy Purim!


Purim is a Jewish holiday and starts tonight, and goes into Sunday. Esther is the central hero of the story due to her strength of character, determination, and expert political lobbying. The root of her name means “hiddenness,” and it isn’t even her birth name. To save herself and her people, she sheds her name, Hadas, and becomes disguised as Esther. The whole story is one of hidden miracles – God doesn’t appear in the story with lightning strikes and thunder claps, but miracles happen through the hard work, risk, and bravery of good people. Oh, and a little bit of luck!

In times like these of political turmoil and bombastic shows of force, it is easy to overlook the quiet, hidden, human miracles. The safeguarding of knowledge in the face of violence and ignorance. The rebuilding of what was broken and defiled. Unity in the face of vile discord. Resistance through love for the stranger.


But how does this apply to insanely rich vegan hamantaschen cookies? Dang, just get to the recipe already!

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